Sunday 20 April 2008

Humanoid Robot

It really isn't going to be long before we have these in our homes. A robot home help, to clean, cook, shop and take the dog for a walk. It'll be wonderful. But what happens when it all goes wrong? Gangs of surly robots hanging around bus stops? Robot thieves reprogrammed for evil by their owners? Robots taking over the world? Where will it all end!? Who will think of the children!?

Monday 14 April 2008

Robot Car

It is bound to happen, as long as civilisation doesn't collapse it won't be long before we are chauffeured to work in robot driven cars. Here's the first step.

Sunday 13 April 2008

Love Circuits

David Levy, author of Love and Sex with Robots believes that robot prostitutes will be in 'service' in the next twenty years. Guardian Article